我真的受傷了 – 張學友

February 18, 2009

So lately, I’ve started using Thunderbird to access my e-mail again. Slowly, it’s re-downloading everything off the other servers. The problem is that it passes them off as new e-mail. At one point, I thought that Tim had come back. No, it was just another old e-mail from one of his other previous trips. Worst of all, it’s also surfaced e-mails of previous “Xanga subscriptions” –specifically, her’s… Two of them popped up, and it was quite contrasting. One of them was one where we had a fight. Another one, was when I gave her a crap-ton of chocolates, and she was actually happy. Well, let’s concentrate on the first one, which says…


為什麼 心好痛
我的害怕 誰能夠了解 我不敢告訴任何人
我也只是不想變成你的負擔 並不是不相信你的每一句話
而當你跟我說你害怕 我和你媽咪是一樣得
我無話可說 因為我們是女人
我沒有真的懷疑你 所以我也討厭你這樣說
我們的感情 為什麼現在變成這樣
害怕的心痛 原來還是必免不了
我現在睡不著覺。 心 像刀在割 眼淚停不下來
而我心中 只不斷重複你說得 ” fuck it, ignored me, we talk tomorrow ”
我不想說了。 我不想再心痛 真的 好痛好痛
找到了這首歌 就像我的心情