Extravagant-Eason Chan

December 5, 2014

Also available in 廣東話, 한국말, and English

Composition:C.Y. Kong (江志仁)
Arrangement:C.Y. Kong (江志仁)
Production:Alvin Leong (梁榮駿)

有人問我 我就會講 但是無人來
Someone asks, and I’ll talk, but no one’s coming
我期待 到無奈 有話要講 得不到裝載
I wait ‘till it’s helpless, I have something to say, but I can’t get this load off
我的心情猶像樽蓋 等被揭開
My feelings are like a bottle top, waiting to be ripped open
But my lips are starting to grow moldy
人潮內 愈文靜 愈變得 不受理睬
In this wave of people, the more calm and quiet it becomes, the more in changes to being ignored
I want to make something unexpected.

像突然地高歌 任何地方也像開四面台
Like all of a sudden, singing out loudly, any place is like an open 4-sided stage
着最閃的衫 扮十分感慨
Wearing the flashiest clothes, pretending to be full of emotions
When someone takes your picture, put your hands in your pockets!

你當我是浮誇吧 誇張只因我很怕
You think I’m very extravagant, don’t you? I’m only doing this because I’m afraid!
似木頭 似石頭 的話 得到注意嗎
Like a Wood dummy, a stone head’s words, do they get noticed?
其實怕被忘記 至放大來演吧
Actually I’m afraid of being forgotten, so I’ll let go and just perform
很不安 怎去優雅
Very uneasy, how can I become graceful?
Does the world even praise silence?
不夠爆炸 怎麼有話題
If it’s not explosive enough, how can it create headlines?
讓我誇 做大娛樂家
Let me exaggerate and be a giant entertainer!

那年十八 母校舞會 站著如嘍羅
At 18, at my Alma Mater’s ball, I stood like a minion
那時候 我含淚發誓各位 必須看到我
Then, I held my tears and swore people had to see me.
在世間 平凡又普通的路太多
This world, there are too many normal and general paths.
In the ”estate”, which unit do you live in?
情愛中 工作中 受過的忽視太多
In love, at work, we’re faced with too much neglect.
Our self esteem has been filled with falls and crashes

重視能治肚餓 未曾獲得過便知我為何
Giving importance can fill you up, but why hasn’t it given self-awareness?
大動作很多 犯下這些錯
Tons of giant motions, doing things wrong
搏人們看看我 算病態麼
Trying to get people to watch me, does that make me sick?

你當我是浮誇吧 誇張只因我很怕
You think I’m very exaggerating, don’t you? I’m only doing this because I’m afraid!
似木頭 似石頭 的話 得到注意嗎
Like a Wood dummy, a stone head’s words, do they get noticed?
其實怕被忘記 至放大來演吧
Actually I’m afraid of being forgotten, so I’ll let go and just perform
很不安 怎去優雅
Very uneasy, how can I become graceful?
Does the world even praise silence?
不夠爆炸 怎麼有話題
If it’s not explosive enough, how can it create headlines?
讓我誇 做大娛樂家
Let me exaggerate and be a giant entertainer!

幸運兒並不多 若然未當過就知我為何
There aren’t many lucky ones, and if you’ve never been one, you know why I’m doing this
用十倍苦心 做突出一個
Using ten-fold effort, to become the one that stands out
Are normal people rich in controversy as I am?

你 叫我做浮誇吧 加幾聲噓聲也不怕
You call me exaggerative, why don’t you? I’m not afraid of a few boos
我在場 有悶場的話 表演你看嗎
I’m on stage, if it was boring, would you watch this performance?
夠歇斯底里嗎 以眼淚淋花吧
Is there enough hysteria? Enough tears to water plants?
I just want you to be surprised
It’s like I never existed before
加重注碼 青筋也現形
Adding in more punctuation and emphasis, now you can even see my veins
話我知 現在存在嗎
Tell me, do I exist now?

凝視我 別再只看天花
Gaze at me, don’t just stare into space
我非你杯茶 也可盡情地喝吧
Even if I’m not your cup of tea, you can still drink to your heart’s content
別遺忘有人在 為你聲沙
Don’t forget there’s someone here to scream and shriek for you.

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