Yeah, I Love Her — Chris Yu

June 16, 2012

Also available in 廣東話, 官話, and English


I love her
Yeah, I love her
是的 我愛她
The rain outside is coming down hard, so hard we can’t hear each other
外面雨下的好大 大到我們聽不到彼此的對話

I love her
Yeah, I love her
是的 我愛她
I think this is a change, at least the love I give her, she won’t trample over it
我想這是個變化 至少我給她的愛 她不會踐踏

Your ungratefulness to this generosity, seems as if you’re really punishing yourself
你辜負的這種豁達 彷彿對自己懲罰
Why is it once you lose me, that you’re finally afraid?
為什麼失去我 你才害怕
With your heartlessness, you pushed me towards her
是你用你的無情 將我推向她

Then let’s leave, forget it, end it
就散了吧 算了吧 斷了吧
We had our moment, I won’t forget our happiness
有一段就夠了 我不會忘記我們的快樂

Then let’s forget it, leave it, it’ll hurt
*就忘了吧 放了吧 痛了吧
Give some words of congratulations so that I can love her without guilt, because of the pain you gave me
 說一句祝福吧 你至少讓我放心愛她 因為你對我的傷

Yeah, I love her
是的 我愛她
The rain outside is coming down hard, so hard we can’t hear each other
外面雨下的好大 大到我們聽不到彼此的對話

I love her
Yeah, I love her
是的 我愛她
I think this is a change, at least the love I give her, she won’t trample over it
我想這是個變化 至少我給她的愛 她不會踐踏

Your ungratefulness to this generosity, seems as if you’re really punishing yourself
你辜負的這種豁達 彷彿對自己懲罰
Why is it once you lose me, that you’re finally afraid?
為什麼失去我 你才害怕
With your heartlessness, you pushed me towards her
是你用你的無情 將我推向她

Then let’s leave, forget it, end it
就散了吧 算了吧 斷了吧
We had our moment, I won’t forget our happiness
有一段就夠了 我不會忘記我們的快樂

Then let’s forget it, leave it, it’ll hurt
*就忘了吧 放了吧 痛了吧
Give some words of congratulations so that I can love her without guilt, because of the pain you gave me
 說一句祝福吧 你至少讓我放心愛她 因為你對我的傷

Let’s leave, forget it, end it
散了吧 算了吧 斷了吧
We had our moment, I won’t forget our happiness
有一段就夠了 我不會忘記我們的快樂

Then let’s forget it, leave it, it’ll hurt
*就忘了吧 放了吧 痛了吧
Give some words of congratulations so that I can love her without guilt, because of the pain you gave me
 說一句祝福吧 你至少讓我放心愛她 因為你對我的傷

Then let’s leave, forget it, end it
就散了吧 算了吧 斷了吧
Then let’s forget it, leave it, Mm~~~
就忘了吧 放了吧 嗯~~~~

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