
October 28, 2009

Also available in 廣東話, and English

債(Debt) – LMF

Too bad I couldn’t find the original version with 葉德嫻 (Deanie Ip)

Ip: That day I was impulsive and didn’t care about what would happen, or even thought it out clearly
葉: 當天衝動不理結果 怎可分清楚
I keep blaming you, you keep blaming me, and no one’s willing to take the burden
I lost my self control for one instant, and there just wasn’t anywhre to hide
一息間的失控 實在沒法躲
This slap in the face has already callously and despairingly left me alone.

MC Yan: What kind of parent are you?
There’s a phrase, “fathers raise sons, and they raise sons”, yet you sent him abroad…
有句說話老豆養仔仔養仔 你送佢去
Ip: (I was waiting for you to come back)
葉: (等你返嚟)
MC Yan: …Was it so he could become a yellow-skinned cracker?
Or did you want your daughter to hang around Lan Gwai Fong whoring herself to crackers? So you continue to invest by giving them tons and tons of money
定係想個女淨係識得落蘭桂芳湊鬼 你要繼續投機 俾多多錢
Ip: (You have to do well in school)
葉: (你要讀書俾心機)
MC Yan: You don’t want to have a generational gap, yet you throw them to another side of the planet
MC仁:你唔要有你哋啲代溝 又擗佢去地球嘅另外一面
What’re you gonna’ do now? But maybe you don’t think you’re a good parent, and can’t carry the word “Family” on your shoulders
問你點收 但你可能覺得自己冇本事 羋唔起家呢一個字
Ip: (“Family”!)
葉: (“家”呢個字)
MC Yan: You don’t give them this and that, scared that they’ll turn bad
MC仁:你唔俾佢呢樣個樣 驚佢學壞
But you never put any consideration to them when you were raising them, watching him as he grows. Ever since he was a young boy.
但養佢又冇啗心機 睇住佢大 呢一個仔由細到大
Ip: (Ever since you were young)
葉: (由細到大)
He’s always felt that his parents have failed him his whole entire life.
MC仁: 點都覺得自己父母 一世失敗
But they were also raised that way, there’s so much burden
只不過佢哋又係咁樣捱大 個包袱咁大
When can you ever return your debts to your children?

Ip: That day I was impulsive and didn’t care about what would happen, or even thought it out clearly
葉: 當天衝動不理結果 怎可分清楚
I keep blaming you, you keep blaming me, and no one’s willing to take the burden
I lost my self control for one instant, and there just wasn’t anywhre to hide
一息間的失控 實在沒法躲
This slap in the face has already callously and despairingly left me alone.

MC Yan: If you didn’t have that attitude back then,
This moment, today, you wouldn’t have walked down the wrong path.
今時今日 又點會行錯呢一條路
Ip: Even if I’d wronged you, it’s very hard to solve my own resentment

MC Yan: Supposed you actually put in effort, then maybe if we start over again,
MC仁:假如你真係努力過 咁從頭嚟過
I think, the result would be a lot different.
我諗 又會係另外一個結果

Ip: As I lightly stroke my saddened heart, the more I’m wrong the more it eludes me.
葉:悲哀的心輕輕撫摸 越錯誤越逃避我
Kit: Every day I come back home, and I see the house is in shambles
Tell me how can I continue to stay?
Phat: (I don’t want to stay)
Kit: Everytime I talk with you, you’re always talking about money problems
Have you ever cared what goes on in my daily life?
Phat: Why is it that ever since I was young I had to solve my own problems?
You left home for yourself and never came back. It doesn’t matter:
Being looked down by everyone else, letting them think I’m an orphan,
俾人睇低 俾人當我係孤兒仔
You only got with dad just to do it with him

Ip: That day I was impulsive and didn’t care about what would happen, or even thought it out clearly
葉: 當天衝動不理結果 怎可分清楚
I keep blaming you, you keep blaming me, and no one’s willing to take the burden
I lost my self control for one instant, and there just wasn’t anywhre to hide
一息間的失控 實在沒法躲
This slap in the face has already callously and despairingly left me alone.

Wah: I turn my head around and meet up with the past, desoluteness accompanies the sunset, along with my past complaints on family issues.
Wah:我 回頭又再遇從前 落寞伴著落日 往昔家中的抱怨
Ip: I am willing to spend the energy to part with our old barriers, so I can be with you again.
葉:我 願為你花去力氣 告別舊有隔膜 讓我跟你在一起
Kit: You always told me how I should be so-and-so’s kid, what job I should take
Kit:成日叫我學下學下邊個邊個個仔 做份乜嘢工
What subjects I study. I just want to tell you giving birth to me, wasn’t to have a competition with someone else!
讀緊乜嘢係 我想話俾你知生我出嚟唔係同人比賽斗威
Don’t take me with someone else’s kid and compare who’s better.
Phat: As time passes, even if you chase after it, you can’t catch up
Phat:時間一轉眼 點追都追唔番
The more I think about it, when I was young, i was quite rebellious and always joked around. I never went back home, because it was always troublesome.
諗番起細個又曾經作反出去玩 唔想番屋企覺得屋企好煩
Never studied, never took a job, kept playing unil I didn’t know what time it was. Time passes and doesn’t come back.
書又唔讀 工又唔番 玩到唔知時間 光陰一去不返
Kit: No other choice. Humans only have a few decades worth of life.
Kit:冇得揀 做人都係得嗰幾廿年時間
The more I think, school fees are really a big burden
我諗一諗 供書教學其實都好大負擔
Phat: Our lives are like an overcharged credit card
Paying it off in installments, and finally you realize it’s too late.
分期攤還 最後發覺回頭太難
Kit: I think it’s time we should patiently sit down, and make up for the horrible relationship with our mothers.
Kit: 我諗都係時候平心靜氣坐番低 去彌補同母親惡劣嘅關係
Phat: This world has no such thing as an unsolvable problem, the only problem would be if you were dereitic, everywhere you turn, you’ll just become lost.
Phat: 呢個世界根本就冇解決唔到嘅問題 最怕你自閉 自己越轉越迷

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